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Acne Scarring

Acne Scarring

What is acne scarring?

Acne scarring comes in many forms and can be improved by a variety of methods, depending on the type of scar.  It is essential to determine the type of scar to treat it properly.  Below is a brief definition of scar types and treatment options.  Our staff will discuss your options with you during the consultation.

Acne scarring types and treatments:

Ice Pick Scars – These scars are deep and narrow, with an abnormal base and walls.  There are two main methods of treatment. 

Box Car Scars –These scars look like chicken pox scars in that they are round or oval, with abnormal walls and bases.  They can be shallow or deep.  There are surgical and non surgical treatment options depending on depth and location.

Rolling Scars – These scars appear worse in overhead lighting and disappear when the skin is stretched.  There are surgical and non surgical treatment options depending on the location.

Pink or Brown discolored “scars” – These are not true scars but temporary discolorations that can be faded with treatments and creams.

Depending on the type of scarring you may have, we have many different treatment options available. We offer a wide range of filler substances such as Hyaluronic Acids (Restylane and Juvederm) or Bellafill, a biostimulator can be used.  These stimulate collagen production and may last for months to years. 

Laser, Microneedling and chemical peel treatments are available such as:

1. Fraxel Dual 1550nm laser – this non-ablative fractionated laser can be used on most skin types to reduce shallow box car scarring on the face over a series of 4-5 treatments. There is mild swelling and pinkness for 3 days but no peeling of skin or surface healing required.

2. SmartXide DOT Fractional CO2 Resurfacing – the resurfacing procedure which tightens skin, replenishes collagen, and improves texture. Performed with topical anesthesia only, this treatment requires 3-6 days of downtime depending on intensity of treatment.

3. Microneedling with PRP – using a variable depth microneedling pen, microscopic channels are created to produce new collagen in the skin. Platelet Rich Plasma is added during the treatment to provide skin growth factors for collagen production and rapid healing. Most patients complete a series of 5-7 monthly treatments. 

4. TCA Cross – The TCA causes inflammation in the area, stimulating the production of new collagen to improve the appearance of the skin.

For less invasive treatment options we typically will recommend topical products, microdermabrasions or chemical peels with our licensed estheticians.

All treatments for acne scars help to improve the scarring, but multiple treatments can be necessary.  It is impossible to remove a true scar completely.  Our staff will discuss which treatment options are best fo

This patient was treated with TCA cross by Dr. Lauren Fine