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Home Plastic Surgery Breast Breast Lift (Mastopexy)

Breast Lift (Mastopexy)

Breast Lift (Mastopexy)

What is a Breast Lift?

A Breast Lift, also known as a mastopexy, is a surgical procedure to elevate and reshape sagging breast tissue. Over time, factors such as pregnancy, breastfeeding and the effects of gravity take their toll on a woman’s breasts. These factors can contribute to loss of skin elasticity, loss of firmness of tissue as well as enlargement of the areolae, all of which contribute to a drooping or sagging breast. A breast lift is designed to reshape, tighten and elevate the breast to create a more youthful, firmer, and shapely appearance. Sometimes a breast implant is used in conjunction with a mastopexy to add volume and restore additional fullness.

Every patient is unique in their anatomy and desired outcome. Niki Christopoulos, MD, FACS uses a variety of techniques to shape and restore the breasts and will guide you through the process of which technique is best for you, depending on the amount of excess skin as well as the amount of breast tissue present. Her goal is to give you firmer, uplifted and more youthful breasts that will restore your confidence and give you a more balanced and proportionate look.

Am I a good candidate for a Breast Lift?

Ideal candidates for Breast Lift surgery are patients who wish to:

  • Elevate sagging or drooping breasts
  • Reduce the size of enlarged areola
  • Have a firmer, more uplifted breast contour

Dr. Niki Christopoulos’ Approach to a Breast Lift

There are typically 3 common incision patterns:

  • Around the areola (concentric mastopexy)
  • Around the areola and vertically down from the areola to the breast crease (lollipop incision)
  • Around the areola, vertically down from the areola and horizontally along the breast crease (anchor type incision)

It is through these incisions that Dr. Christopoulos will reshape and reposition the underlying breast tissue, decrease the size of the areola, and insert a breast implant if needed.

Dr. Christopoulos is a double-board certified plastic surgeon and performs her surgeries in a fully accredited outpatient surgical facility. Anesthesia is administered by an anesthesiologist using either intravenous sedation or general anesthesia for your comfort and safety during the procedure. The procedure can take anywhere from 1.5-3 hours, depending on which procedure, or combination of procedures you are having performed

Breast Lift Recovery and Results

The length of recovery depends on the type of procedure you have performed and the healing process does vary from individual to individual. It is natural to expect some bruising, swelling and numbness after your procedure. Most patients are able to resume daily activities within a few days and most can return to work within one week. Dr. Christopoulos will advise you to refrain from strenuous activity for several weeks after your surgery and will also guide you on the proper type of bra to wear.

Schedule a consultation today with Dr. Christopoulos to discuss further any questions you may have and to determine what type of breast lift is correct for you.

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