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Home Plastic Surgery Body Abdominoplasty (Tummy Tuck)

Abdominoplasty (Tummy Tuck)

Abdominoplasty (Tummy Tuck)

What is an Abdominoplasty?

An Abdominoplasty, also commonly known as a “Tummy Tuck” is a procedure to remove excess skin and fat from the abdomen and restore  separated abdominal muscles to improve the overall abdominal contour and create a smoother, firmer, and more shapely abdomen. Whether pregnancy, recent weight loss, genetics or the natural aging process have caused you to accumulate extra skin and fat in the tummy area, Niki Christopoulos MD, FACS  will use the most advanced techniques to sculpt, contour and create a tighter and firmer core.

Am I a good candidate for a Abdominoplasty Surgery?

Ideal Candidates for an Abdominoplasty are patients who have:

  • Loose sagging abdominal skin
  • Weakened or separated abdominal muscles (also known as a diastasis recti)
  • A protruding abdomen with excess abdominal fat

While an abdominoplasty is a very rewarding procedure for both men and women, it is not a substitute for weight loss or an appropriate diet and workout regimen. If you are planning on losing a significant amount of weight, or considering future pregnancies, it may be advised to postpone your tummy tuck.

Dr. Niki Christopoulos’ Approach to a Abdominoplasty Procedure

Depending on your anatomy and individual goals, Dr. Christopoulos will recommend one of the following:

In a Full Tummy Tuck, the incision will be low in the pubic area, from hip bone to hip bone. A second incision will be around the navel in order to properly position the belly button and to address upper abdominal skin. The exact location and design of your lower incision may vary depending on your anatomy as well as bathing suit style preference. Dr. Christopoulos may ask you to bring in a style of bathing suit or undergarment you prefer in order to assist in the proper scar placement.

In a Mini Tummy Tuck, the incision is also low in the pubic area, although not quite as long as in the traditional tummy tuck. This type of procedure is usually reserved for patients with less excess skin and fat. With this type of procedure, there is usually no incision around the umbilicus.

It is through these incisions and techniques that Dr. Christopoulos will remove the excess fat, tissue and skin, tighten your inner abdominal muscles and redrape the skin to create the firmer, flatter and smoother contour that you desire. Depending on your body type and goals, Dr. Christopoulos may recommend liposuction in conjunction with your Tummy Tuck in order to improve the overall contour of your abdomen and flanks.

Dr. Christopoulos is a double-board certified plastic surgeon and performs her surgeries in a fully accredited outpatient surgical facility. Anesthesia is administered by an anesthesiologist using either intravenous sedation or general anesthesia for your comfort and safety during the procedure. The procedure can take anywhere from 2-4 hours, depending on the technique used and each patient’s individual anatomy.

Abdominoplasty Recovery and Results

The length of recovery depends on the type of procedure you have performed and the healing process does vary from individual to individual. It is natural to expect some bruising, swelling and numbness after your procedure. Most patients are able to resume daily activities within a few days and most can return to work within two weeks. Dr. Christopoulos will advise you to refrain from strenuous activity for several weeks after your surgery and will also guide you on the proper type of support garment that may be necessary to minimize swelling and improve your results.

Schedule a consultation today with Dr. Christopoulos to discuss further any questions you may have and to determine which type of abdominoplasty is the correct procedure for you.

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