Back to School Skin

Your trusty CCSD Dermatologist is the best person to help manage any back to school skin issues. Acne breakouts, dry skin, rashes, warts and molloscum contagiosum can be common occurrences during the school semester, all of which are simple to treat with the right medical care and skin regimen. With hours running from 8am to 6:30pm, and two Saturday clinics per month, we have plenty of before and after school availability. We also offer online remote dermatology appointment via our OnlineMD website, which means even if you are going away to college you can still receive medical care from your CCSD provider, or be seen remotely if you are experiencing a flare. Look no further than the CCSD Online Skin Store for any product refills – we ship across the USA and shipping is waived for all purchases over $100. Convenience has never been so easy!

Back to School Skin