Cool Fresh & Sculpted

“You work out so hard, now let us make it better”. This is our promise made to you and reaffirmed by our enormous new billboards outside the East Bank Club in Chicago. This is our truth and we intend to deliver!

On August 16th 2018, CCSD hosts its first ‘Cool, Fresh and Sculpted’ event. Hot summer weather is glorious, but also reminds us about stinky underarm sweat, those last few stubborn pounds we all want to lose and the eternal hope of looking more svelte and toned in our swimwear and shorts. If this sounds all too familiar, then our expert providers want to introduce you to:

MiraDry – the permanent solution for an 89% improvement in underarm sweat (and odor)

CoolSculpting – the tried and true solution for non-surgical fat reduction

EMSculpt – our newest device that will tighten and tone your tummy and lift and perk your booty

If you can’t make it to our event to learn more about these fabulous non-invasive, non-surgical, no-downtime options for sweat reduction and body contouring, then call our team today on 312-245-9965 to find out more. It’s you and all your hard work, only better!