Eczema Awareness Month

We don’t know what exactly causes eczema. However researchers typically believe a combination of genes and a trigger are involved. People with eczema tend to have an over-reactive immune system that, when triggered by a substance outside or inside the body, responds by producing inflammation. It is this inflammation that causes the red, itchy and painful skin symptoms. Working to keep your symptoms under control is important to staying healthy and comfortable. It’s important to remember that eczema affects everyone differently, and that one person’s triggers may not be the same as another’s. You might experience symptoms at certain times of the year or on different areas of your body. Some everyday things that we know can trigger a flare are dry or dehydrated skin, irritants, stress, climate, infections, allergens and hormones. There are many things our expert MD’s and PA’s can do to manage your symptoms and make you more comfortable. If you have concerns about dry skin or eczema, call 312-245-9965 today to make an appointment with your trusted CCSD provider.

Eczema Awareness Month