Patch Testing with Whitney Conen PA-C

If you have been suffering from unexplained skin irritation or rash we have the solution! Patch testing is a method used to determine whether a specific substance is causing the allergic inflammation to a patients skin. The first step to recovery is scheduling an appointment for us to assess your rash. If your CCSD provider agrees that the cause of your rash may be allergic contact dermatitis, they will refer you to Whitney for patch testing. On day one of testing, tiny amounts of up to 25 or more substances are applied as small patches to your skin. This is usually on your upper back. They are fixed on with non-allergic tape. After two days you return to the office and the patches are removed. The skin is examined to see if there is a reaction to any of the tested substances. After a further two days the skin is examined by Whitney again, in case you have a delayed reaction to any substance, and a care plan will be designed for you.