SAVE THE DATE: Cool, Fresh & Sculpted Event

On August 16th 2018 we will be hosting our first Cool, Fresh and Sculpted’ event. Hot summer weather is glorious but can also draw attention to stinky underarm sweat, those last few stubborn pounds we’ve all been trying to lose and the desire to look more streamlined and toned in our swimwear and shorts. If this sounds all too familiar, the ‘Cool, Fresh and Sculpted’ event is the solution for you! Our expert providers will be on hand to introduce you to MiraDry, the permanent solution for an 89% improvement in underarm sweat, Coolsculpting, the tried and true solution for non-surgical fat reduction and EMSculpt, the newest device that will lift, tone and tighten a tummy and bring your booty back. Confirm your attendance with a $25 deposit which can be applied to any purchase that evening. Keep your eyes peeled for future emails as there will be More information to come on this exciting event.