What is a Mommy Makeover?

I have wonderful patients who come to see me because they simply want to look like a better version of themselves.”

A mommy makeover is any combination of cosmetic, surgical procedures designed for women wanting to restore and repair their body to a pre-pregnancy appearance, usually focusing on the breasts and abdomen. A typical combination of procedures can include a tummy tuck with a breast procedure, such as an augmentation with implants, a lift or reduction. It is not uncommon to see liposuction of the tummy, legs, arms or bra line also included. The term “mommy makeover” may be new, but the procedures Dr. Christopoulos chooses for her patients have a long, successful, and safe track record for providing exceptional results.

Dr. Christopoulos recommends letting the body heal for at least six months after delivery before surgery. You’ll also need to have stopped breastfeeding so she can get a true idea of the size and shape of your breast tissue. Surgery should be a carefully considered investment in yourself, as such we usually recommend it for female patients who have finished their family planning.

Mommy makeovers are designed to reverse the physical changes associated with childbearing and the natural aging process. If childbirth has left you with the following characteristics, you may be a suitable candidate for a mommy makeover:

  • You have sagging, uneven breasts, decreased breast volume, with drooping, stretched or darker skin
  • Your breasts have become much larger after childbirth that they are out of proportion with the rest of your body
  • Your tummy has loose skin, stretch marks and textural crepiness
  • Your waistline has become thicker and/or undefined
  • You had a C-section and now have areas of fat hanging over your surgical scar
  • You have excess fat in the love-handle area as well as in the hips and thighs
  • You have been diagnosed with diastasis recti, or abdominal separation, that no amount of stomach crunches will improve

It is important to choose a time for surgery that will allow you sufficient time to heal and recover. The majority of bruising and swelling subsides within the 3 weeks immediately following your mommy makeover but complete resolution will take at least 6 months. Scars will heal in a very methodical, even manner. While everyone differs in their healing time and recovery, Dr Christopoulos usually recommends 10-14 days off from work and all strenuous activities. If you are in good general health, have a stable weight, positive attitude and realistic expectations, you are most likely a good candidate for this procedure.

Dr. Christopoulos is a double Board Certified Plastic Surgeon, featured NewBeauty Top Doctor and a 5* rated physician on realself.com. She is a member of the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, (ASAPS) and the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS).

Call 312-245-9965 or email [email protected] today to schedule your appointment!