Now Introducing Microblading with Lizz Malave, Microblading Specialist!

We are excited to announce a brand new service to CCSD, microblading! It is a form of eyebrow tattooing that is performed manually with a hand tool. Pigment is implanted into the skin and intended to mimic the look of eyebrow hairs. It is ideal for someone who is looking to have fuller looking eyebrows, someone who has lost their eyebrows, or for someone who is generally unhappy with the appearance and would like a more permanent solution. Rarely offered in a Dermatology office, we’re continuing our effort to be a full-service practice to help you feel great in your own skin. Just for May, we’re offering introductory pricing for microblading, $200 OFF for the consultation, initial treatment, and an 8-week touch-up! Be sure to call our office to schedule your appointment before May 31st to claim this introductory pricing, 312-245-9965 option 2.